Warren County DSS
1340 State Rt. 9 Lake George, NY 12845
(518) 761-6300- Phone
Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm
Washington County DSS
383 Broadway Fort Edward, NY 12828
(518) 746-2300- Phone
Hours: 9am-5p, only homeless clients are in-person
A Note About Applying for Services at DSS:
Getting help when you need it is being responsible. Knowing where and how to get assistance for you and your family is power. Think about a time in your life when things were good. What needs to happen to get back to that place? What resources do you need to know about and use so that you and your family can be at their best? DSS must follow regulations and policies. It may be stressful and confusing to use the system. Just remember that there are real people on the other end of the phone who are often respectful and empathetic. Below are some resources.
Temporary Assistance (used to be called Welfare)
(518) 746-2362 -Washington County TA Fax
(518) 761-6211 -Warren County TA Fax
*If you or your family falls below the poverty line, you may qualify for grant money. There are a lot of factors to determine if you qualify for help, like your family size. Your best bet is to call the general County number, ask for the department that you need then ask if you are eligible.
*For families and individuals
*Income/ resource based ongoing or emergency assistance
*Must comply with treatment if you have a substance use problem
*Recertify online: NYdocSUBMIT, Otda.ny.gov
If you are homeless you would go to the local DSS of the last place you stayed (even if this was a motel.) If it is after hours you can present to the local sheriff and they will contact after-hours DSS. If the weather is freezing you can go to the Code Blue Shelter at the Open Door.
Emergency/ long-term housing: If you are seeking housing with DSS you can walk-in
If you are Warren County: Submit 3 “statements of homelessness.” They can be hand-written or you can use this template: Statement Homelessness. One should be from the last place you stayed if possible. Also, sanctions do follow you from county to county
Obtaining Emergency Benefits
*New applications for Temporary assistances take 30-days to process
*You can apply for expedited SNAP (food)
*You can apply for assistance without ID, Employment at DSS will help you pay for ID
Fair Hearing (If you are denied benefits or sanctioned)
Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 1930, Albany, NY 12201-1930 -Mail
1 (800) 342-3334 -Phone / 518-473-6735 -Fax (send printed form)
Online Form: Request Hearing | Fair Hearings | OTDA (ny.gov)
*Request: “Aid to Continue” to receive benefits while waiting for hearing
Temporary Assistance Bureau
40 North Pearl Street Albany, NY 12243
Deputy Commissioner
Employment and Income Support Programs
Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance
40 North Pearl Street
Albany, New York 1224
Temporary Assistance Sourcebook: https://otda.ny.gov/programs/temporary-assistance/TASB.pdf
Complaint: a written statement that must include the following: (1) The complainant’s name (2) Complainant’s address (3) Describes the district’s alleged discriminatory actions in sufficient detail to inform the Office of the nature and date of the alleged violations (4) Signed by the complainant or by someone authorized to do so on his or her behalf
Vehicle Bank Accounts for TA Recipients
- Recipients of TA are allowed to establish separate bank accounts for the sole purpose of enabling the individual to purchase a first or replacement vehicle to seek, obtain or maintain employment. Up to $4,650 may be exempted from resource limit consideration so long as the funds are not used for any other purpose.
Albany Coalition for the Homeless
146 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12210
(518) 436-5612 -Phone / 518-436-5615 -Fax
info@cfthomeless.org -Email
*Advocates for the unhoused population
Employment- Bus tokens or gas card, work experience programs, resume assistance, job search assistance
Assistance with Burial of Family
*Go to the funeral home of your choosing and get a receipt of services (they also sometimes have the application to pay for services for DSS/ social services.)
*Go to the Temporary Assistance Unit of your County (Come to the reception window with DSS / social services)
*The family member should express that they are unable to pay for the funeral. If the funeral home did not give you an application to pay for the funeral, get it here.
*Family needs to apply within 10 days of the person’s passing.
Daycare- Reimburse daycare expenses
1. Call: Southern Adirondack Childcare Anastasia Golovina Dessaint (518) 798-7972 Ext: 209 or Pamela Conine Ext: 206. 2. Register with your county: (Washington County is Will Lennon) *To qualify you must work at least 20 hours and be income eligible.
Medicaid- call the state # 1-855-355-5777, there are local navigators, see “basic needs”
SSI/ SSD– Call your county, but it is suggested to get a care manager (see resources) to help with this
SNAP (Food Stamps)- EBT Card, farmer’s market coupons
(518) 746-2362 -Washington County SNAP Fax
(518) 761-6301 -Warren County SNAP Fax
PEBT: 1-833-452-0096
Push 1 3 times then 9, try this until it rings through to a real person
*The money must be spent in 274 days or gone forever
*PEBT cards has the date of birth listed as: 01010900
HEAP– heating, electricity, home energy assistance program
*Things you may need: income, members in household, social security #, personal ID, 3 written references of homelessness
Warren County HEAP (518) 761 – 6338 otda.ny.gov/programs/apply/#heap
Washington County HEAP (518) 746-2236, https://otda.ny.gov/programs/heap/#repair-benefit
Water Assistance Program
*Go online to apply
*Helps low-income households pay the cost of water and sewer services
*Can assist households who have past due bills
*Benefits are paid directly to the household’s water and/or sewer vendor(s).
*Eligibility and benefits are based on income, household size, amount owed to water and/or sewer provider(s). Clients with Temporary Assistance, HEAP, SNAP, SSI should apply
HUD: (518) 793-2583
The Federal “TANF” Block Grant offers services to individuals and families beyond traditional welfare programs.
1. Help to purchase work uniforms or specialty clothing to start a job
2. Monthly bus passes, bus tokens and bus transfers; and taxi rides to and from employment
3. Monthly gas cards
Substance Use Support Warren County: Amanda Zeno, Baywood, amanda.zeno@pyhit.org, (518) 798-4221
Substance Use Support Washington County: Bethany Neely, BHSN, bethany.neely@dfa.state.ny.us, (518) 746-2300 Ext: 3435
Children’s Services Programs
CPS Child Protective– 1-800-342-3720 Hotline for abuse
Preventative Services
Foster Care
Child Support– 1-888-208-4482, Everyone has to go through this central hotline.
Child Support Collection and Enforcement- the Child Support Unit can assist in finding absent parents, helping establish paternity, and help collect child support.
Community Resource Liaison vacant (DSS Child Protective Services, plan of safe care for toxicology positive infants)
Office for the Aging and Disability Resource Center- 60 years +
Warren: (518) 761-6347- Phone / (518) 761-6344 -Fax, https://warrencountyny.gov › ofa
Washington: (518) 726-2420 -Phone / (518) 746-2418 Fax OfficeForTheAging@co.washington.ny.us
*Collaborates with individual and their family for independence and self-sufficiency
*Referral to Legal Aid or home care- less expensive when referred
*Help with general paperwork and phone calls, Insurance
*Transportation available for coming to the county, medical appointments and shopping
*Senior local events
Adult Protective Services
*Investigates abuse, neglect, or exploitation
*Adult Protective Services- services for adults who are in danger of harming themselves or other from their own actions or the actions of others. This includes people who are terminally ill, abused or exploited, chronically mentally ill, elderly and ill, mentally challenged, or alcohol/drug dependent.
Warren County Adult Protective Services: (518) 761 – 6326
Washington County Adult Protective Services: (518) 518-746-2420
Meals on Wheels– 60-years +, suggested donation $3, anyone eligible currently, call your county building
Transportation: The county offers transportation to appointments. Call your county building
DMV Department Motor Vehicles– (Open by appointment only call or use website to schedule: Leave Name, Telephone, and brief message)
Warren County DMV: (518) 761-6438, NEW COVID -19 HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:15 – 3:30, except legal holidays, https://warrencountyny.gov › clerk › dmv
Washington County DMV: (518) 746-2163, NEW COVID -19 HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:45am-4pm, except legal holidays, https://dmv.ny.gov/office/fort-edward
LEAP– (Formerly the EOC) Washington County: (518)746-2391
*Mon-Fri 8am-4pm, by appointment only
*Head Start Programs (See: Youth Tab)
*Transportation- for 60 years +, medical appointments and shopping
*Employment: Job search, resume building, Extension 6, 3, or 7
*GED program- covers costs
*BOCES trainings- covers cost (Computer, CDL, CNA, welding)
Winter Coat: Amanda Homsey- (518) 769-9200 / (518) 746- 2391 x5
Food Pantry Washington County: (518) 409-5199 / (518) 746-2391- schedule an appointment
Hours: Monday & Friday 12:30-3:30; Wednesday: 12:30-3:30
*Food Delivery
*Access to the food pantry is going back to once per month for individuals/families
GED Education
*If you receive Temporary Assistance, your employment worker can arrange for classes and the test to be paid for.
Boces Prep School (not a test site yet)
(518) 581-3555 -Phone (Can call to register)
Charlene Ross, hse@wswheboces.org
etaprogram.org (click high school equivalency and click orientation)
Location #1: Glens Falls High School 10 Quade St. Glens Falls, NY 12801
Hours: Mon & Wed 5p-8:30p
Location #2: F Donald Myers Education Center 15 Henning R Saratoga Springs, NY Tues & Thurs Hours: 9:30am-12:30p or 5p- 8p (Morning or evening classes)
*Call to sign up or register on the website for an orientation.
*$60 material fee (County will cover fee), course is free through New York State
*Orientation is 2-3 days, you will be given an assessment
*Disabilities will be identified, Tri-County Literacy may be asked for help
*Adult (21 yrs. +) and youth program
*At-Home program available
LEAP GED Program Washington County: (Formerly the EOC)
Senior Employment Counselor Maria Fabian, maria.fabian@leapservices.org
(518)746-2391 x6 -Phone / (518) 796-8408 -Cell / (518) 746-2392 -Fax
*Hours Mon-Fri 8am-4pm, by appointment only
*BOCES trainings- covers cost (Computer, CDL, CNA, welding)
*GED Classes for ages 16-21 years
*In-person with Instructor, client is paid $10 an hour while taking classes
*Hours: Tuesday 9am-12p & Thursday 9am-12:30p
*Life Skills included
Washington County WIC: (518) 746-2460
Warren County WIC: (518) 761-6425
*Pregnant mothers and children
*Supplemental food: Formula and basic foods
*Breastfeeding support
Food Pantry Warren County: (none), Try Family Services, Open Door, Community Action, Salvation Army
Warren County Department of Labor/ One-Stop Career:
(518) 743-0925 -Phone
333 Glen St Suite 300, Glens Falls, NY 12801
Monday-Friday: 8:30am-5pm
The building is locked. Call and leave a message.