Fentanyl Strips:
MATTERS UBMD Emergency Medicine
Harm Reduction Coordinator Shelby Arena x117
77 Goodell St, Suite 410, Buffalo, NY 14203
765-MATTERS / (765) 628-8377-Phone
*Sometimes the website browser doesn’t work. You can order directly through the navigator.
*Xylazine test strips available at the end of May 2023
*Will provide a large number to organizations and you can re-order frequently
*Individuals may order test strips
Contraception Through New York State:
Fill out organization Attestation Form: NEW YORK STATE CONDOM (NYSCondom) PROGRAM Registration and Order Form
nyscondom@health.ny.gov -Email / (518) 486-6888 -Fax
Individuals may email: NYSCondom@health.ny.gov
If people are going to use they should be given options to stay safe and avoid disease. This organization home-delivers clean supplies to people in active use and teaches them how to clean their existing supplies. It also helps people to take care of resulting physical health problems like abscesses. The idea is to keep people from getting things like Hep C and HIV until they are able or ready to seek help.
*HIV and Hep C tests are provided on-site by appointment
*Now is a good time to get treatment for Hep C. There is a grant to help people pay for this expensive series of pills. Alliance for Positive Health has a program to make the process and its paperwork painless. They will help you work with a health provider over the weeks of treatment. Hudson Headwaters is working in partnership with Alliance for Positive Health and independently to get local people treated.
*PREP is a medication for someone who has a partner with HIV
*To prevent death from overdose narcan kits are given out.
*Cards are issued allowing a person to have supplies (not drugs) and not get charged by police
*Many other services are provided by this organization
Alliance for Positive Health
13 Chester St Glens Falls NY 12801
(518) 743-0703 -Phone
Harm Reduction Specialist Heather Mattison, hmattison@alliancefph.org
(518) 419-1578 -Cell
*Emergency Suboxone script, bridges to a local provider
* Rapid testing for Hep C and HIV in office, at residence, or other community locations
*Navigation program to link to care
*Harm / Risk reduction
*Narcan, for individuals or can train organizations to dispense
*Covers Clinton, Franklin, Essex, Warren, Washington, and Hamilton counties
*Syringe Exchange
Plattsburg Office at 202 Cornelia Street Plattsburg, NY
Justin Bryant, jbryant@alliancefph.org, narcan
Shatoya Moore, smoore@alliancefph.org, Hep C and HIV navigation
(518) 743-0703 ext: 3428 -Phone / (518) 390-4132 -Cell
Saratoga Council for Prevention has fentanyl test strips
Project Safe Point/ Catholic Charities
Harm Reduction Specialist Ed Fox
100 Slingerlands St Albany NY 12202
(518) 449 3581 Ext: 126 -Phone / (518) 426-3662 -Fax
NYC Safer Sex Portal
condoms@health.nyc.gov or call 311
*Businesses and other organizations can order free safer sex products to distribute
NEW YORK STATE CONDOM (NYSCondom) PROGRAM Registration and Order Form
Hudson Headwaters: Hepatitis C Treatment Provider
*Patient can receive treatment even if in active use as long as they commit to taking daily medication for 2-3 months
*Medication will need insurance approval as it is expensive ($30,000+, There is a grant for treatment)
*Over 95% success rate to cure Hepatitis
What’s Narcan? Narcan is the brand name for a chemical called Naloxone. It is used to stop an overdose. Opioids like Fentanyl and heroin attach to receptors in the brain that slow a person’s breathing. When someone is overdosing on opioids it means that they have used so much that their breathing has slowed then stopped. Many overdoses happen because the drug is too strong or because they got clean and relapsed using too much too fast. Narcan works by pulling the drug off the brain’s receptors. It makes the person start breathing again, but also puts them in instant withdrawal. After being narcanned people wake up confused and sometimes angry. Many people leave to use because they feel sick. Narcan wears off after 30 to 90 minutes and overdose can reoccur. For these reasons, when a person is discovered to be having a suspected overdose, it is very important to call 911 immediately so that they can get the care they need and medical professionals can keep them safe.
There is a good Samaritan law to protect people calling for help. Generally, an ambulance will arrive and take the person. A worst case scenario is when people get scared and abandon fellow users in isolated locations and out on sidewalks.
If you or someone you love uses opioids, you should have a narcan kit on hand. Contact information is below to receive a kit and be instructed on how to use it.
Alliance for Positive Health
13 Chester St Glens Falls NY 12801