Listen to you tube video, “The Real Story of the Two Wolves”
Your job as a human is to strengthen your light and dark side. This is symbolized by the white and black wolf. Both wolves have positive and negative traits depending on how we treat them.
Feeding your wolves
Think about ways in which you can feed your light and dark side. Examples are: recovery, compassion, creative projects, acknowledgement that you do your best, spiritual groups, reading, friendship, sober leisure activities, positive self-talk, gratitude, helping others. Fill out the space for the white and black wolves then discuss.
Feeding the White Wolf: Be the most beautiful version of yourself
The white wolf’s function is to connect you to your higher power and higher self.
- Under-developed it can be judgmental, naïve, unassertive and ungrounded.
Bad things for your wolf:
Good things for your wolf:
Feeding the Black Wolf: Love burns through fear
The black wolf ’s purpose is to protect you and connect you to the earth, your instincts, and your ancestors.
- Underdeveloped it can be can be oppositional, destructive, and fearful.
Bad things for your black wolf:
Good things for your black wolf: