Your beauty and likability can serve your addiction or your recovery.
What makes you valuable are the experiences you agreed to live. You have a unique make-up, purpose, and potential to love.
Give yourself understanding and patience as you continually re-create yourself. It is now safe for you to come home to your body. Your instincts were like a survival obsessed wild animal. As you hand-feed it and talk gently it will want to: lash out, break fences, and run back to what is familiar. Give it respect and space to redirect its thirst and hunger. It naturally knows what it needs and will make necessary adjustments and find balance. When you remove and detox from artificial sources of pleasure and bodily pollutants, you will regain a sense of direction and life purpose. Your instincts, heart, and head will lead you astray when they are operating independently from each other. Strengthen yourself where you are weak so that you can be harmonious. Use discernment to perceive and respond to the world. Listen to how the universe is communicating with you and value other species and cultures. Ask your higher powers for help and guidance and act from a place of integrity and love. Who you are, what you feel and your thoughts matter. Everyone is connected and being the highest version of yourself helps to uplift humanity.
See the best in others, give compassion and don’t personalize what others say and do. Everyone is struggling with their own problems and areas of growth. People function at the level they are at. If you could look at someone’s energy instead of their exterior, you would see that everyone is at a different point in their development and complexity. Don’t take on another person’s dysfunction or closemindedness as having anything to do with you. It is a strength to act with kindness instead of anger and meanness. Your vulnerabilities are precious because they are the seeds of your potential. Protect them and protect your stability This level of reality is full of low-level consciousness. There is a lot of suffering caused by nature and fellow humans. Nature inflicts natural catastrophes, disease and feeds off itself to survive. Humans act from self-interest, ignorance, and can do terrible things to each other and the earth. There are more negative energies that exist in the universe seeking to disempower, disconnect, and spread fear and shame. This spiritual battle will manifest itself on a smaller scale in the personal dramas of your life. The way you respond to dissonance between yourself and others and the issues in society help to transform the patterns of conflict and resolution. Acknowledge and accept the way things are but create and defend a heightened state of consciousness and a safe home environment. Choose what you allow into your reality when you are able.
Accept mistakes as you change. They are a sign that you are progressing towards new things. People are usually doing the best they can in the moment. Celebrate yourself. Take the time to notice when you accomplish something or do your personal best. Enjoy happy times. The universe wants you here now, feeling peaceful and safe. You deserve to be around kind accepting people who have your best interest in their hearts. Show gratitude when someone is supportive or generous. You can manifest and keep all the things you need to thrive and do good things in the world. You can be in your power. You do not have to be perfect to be secure within your being.
You belong to something bigger. You are exactly who the universe needs you to be right now. Can you accept that there are compassionate spiritual entities that want to uplift you and help you on your path? Relax and breathe.