Do this activity on a board as a group, or journaling.
START Is your life what you want it to be? If yes change nothing and continue doing exactly what you’ve been doing. If no, read and complete columns. | Everything you want is on the other side of uncomfortable experiences and feelings:
Risk Pain Indifference Fear Disappointment Failure Mistakes Discomfort Loneliness Heartache __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
THE WALL: Break-through with strength, commitment, vision. List other personal strengths that will help you change. |
What are your hopes and dreams? What do you want your life to look like? |
To have this life, what would you have to give up? What sacrifices would need to be made?
What will be difficult? |
Plan: What to do next? Supports: who/ what helps you? | FINISH Breath… have faith. Do the next right thing |